Astragalus humillimus

Astragalus humillimus

Tosya geveni

Prostrate, scapose perennial with a branched, woody caudex. Leaves 6-8 cm; leaflets 3-5 mm, broadly elliptic to orbicular, very sparsely adpressed bifurcate-hairy beneath, glabrous above, 4-12-paired; stipules c. 7 mm, lanceolate. Inflorescence a 5-10-flowered raceme, elongating in fruit; flowers shortly pedicellate. Bracts c. 3 mm, lanceolate. Calyx 7-8 mm, tubular, sparsely pubescent; teeth 1-1,5 mm, linear. Corolla drying violet; standard c. 25 mm, not attenuate above. Legume c. 20 x 3 mm, narrowly cylindrical, curved, sparsely pubescent or glabrous, erect. Fl. 6. Pinus forests, etc., 1300-1800 m.
Endemic; Euxine element. 
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