Astragalus lagopoides
Astragalus lagopoides
Som geven
Sin: Astragalus lagurus
Dwarf cushion-forming shrub with short stems. Leaves 3-15 cm; rachis spiny; leaflets 10-20 mm, oblong-lanceolate, spine-tipped, both surfaces densely simple-subsericeous, 5-9-paired; stipules 10-17 mm, lanceolate, glumaceous, joined to more than ½ -way, margin ciliate. Peduncles scapiform, 3-25 cm, simple whitepilose, usually far exceeding leaves. Flowers in dense oblong 10-50-flowered spikes. Bracts 10-22 mm, oblong, acuminate, glumaceous, lower surface simple white- sericeous, hairs sometimes sparse or confined to midrib. Calyx 13-17 mm, tubular, becoming somewhat inflated, long simple-white-pilose; teeth 7-9 mm, setaceous. Corolla pale yellow , turning purplish with age; standard 14-23 mm. Legumes unknown. Fl. 6-8. Steppe, mountains, hilly pasture, 1200-2890 m.
N.W. & W. Iran, Soviet Armenia, Georgia. Ir.-Tur. element.