Astragalus macrourus

Astragalus macrourus


Ascending or erect, scapose or subcaulescent perennial, with a simple, woody caudex. Leaves 12-25 cm; leaflets 10-20 mm, elliptic, sparsely adpressed simple-pilose to densely spreading-villous, 18-25-paired; stipules 12-14 mm, lanceolate. Peduncles 22-28 cm xc. 3 mm, stout. Inflorescence a dense, cylindrical, 30-40-flowered spike. Bracts 5-7 mm, lanceolate. Calyx 9-12 mm, tubular to tubular-campanulate, simple-villous, with spreading black and white hairs, teeth 1.5-4 mm. Corolla cream, yellow, or rarely violet: standard 18-22 mm, contracted above and appearing ligulately attenuate. Legume c. 9x4 mm, ovoid, densely white-pilose; beak c. 2 mm. curved. Fl. 6-7. Mountain steppe, shaley hillsides, etc., 1500-2600 m.

Soviet Armenia, N. Iran . Ir.-Tur. element.

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