Astragalus tauricolus

Astragalus tauricolus

Maden geveni

Prostrate subcaulescent to caulescent perennial with a branched woody caudex; stems to c. 2 cm. Leaves 4-5 cm; leaflets 8-10 mm. elliptic, apex acute, ±spreading, simple-subsericeous, 10-18-paired; stipules 7-10 mm, triangular-lanceolate, united for half their length. Peduncles 5-8 cm, slender. Inflorescence an oblong, 10-20-flowered spike which elongates in fruit. Bracts 5-7 mm, lanceolate. Calyx 9-12 mm, tubular, inflating or splitting in fruit, shortly simpie-villous with black and white hairs; teeth 3-4 mm, subulate. Corolla cream with purple centre, or yellowish purple; standard 20-25 mm, not ligulately attenuate. Legume 11-13 mm, ovoid, densely villous with long white hairs; beak curved, 2-3 mm. Fl. 5-8. Limestone slopes, screes, etc., 1370-3350 m.

Endemic; Ir.-Tur. element.

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