Cytisus villosus

Cytisus villosus

 Sakallı tırfıl

Erect, leafy shrub up to 2 m, branches terete or somewhat angled, pubescent towards the apex. Leaves trifoliolate, petioles 10-15 mm; leaflets 15-35 x 7-12 mm, with the median longer than the laterals, elliptic to oblanceolate, mucronate, glabrescent above, adpressed-villous beneath. Flowers solitary or in clusters of 2-3. Pedicels 8-12 mm, slender. Calyx c. 6 mm, sericeous. Corolla yellow, glabrous; standard 15-18 mm, broadly ovate. Legume 20-40 x 4-7 mm, villous. Fl. 4-5. Mixed woodland with Quercus ilex.
South Europe. In Turkey apparently only known from a single gathering.
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