Dorycnium pentaphyllum
Dorycnium pentaphyllum
Ssp anatolicum: Ana Gernevük; Ssp haussknechtii: Gernevük; Ssp herbaceum: Zehirli yonca
Perennial herb or small sub-shrub. Stems 15-60 em, pubescent with patent or adpressed hairs. Leaves without rachis; leaflets 4-20 x 1-6 mm; oblong-obovate to linear-oblanceolate, with subpatent or adpressed hairs; internodes 1-6 em. Inflorescence 4-30-flowered, peduncles 1-6,5 cm. Flowers 3-6 mm, white with pink or purple claws; pedicels equalling calyx-tube or somewhat shorter, 1-2 mm; calyx 2-5 mm, slightly 2-lipped , densely hairy, calyx-teeth ± shortly triangular, acute, 1/3- ¾ tube length. Legume 3-5 x 1· 5-3 mm, ovoid globular, beak 1-1,5 mm, valves not contorting at maturity. Seed 1.
A very variable species, of which 3 subspecies can be recognised in Turkey; subsp. pentaphyllum, germanicum, gracile and herbaceum occur in c., S. and E. Europe.
1. Inflorescence 15-30-flowered, flowers 3-5 mm; pedicels usually as long as calyx tube; calyx teeth 1/3-2/3 length of tube; .........................................subsp. herbaceum
1. Inflorescence 4-15-flowered, flowers 4-6 mm; pedicels usually shorter than calyx-tube; calyx-teeth ½- 3/4 length of tube
2. Plant densely pilose with subpatent long hairs; leaflets oblong-oblanceolate, 6-18 x 1-4 mm ................subsp. anatolicum
2. Plant densely sericeous with adpressed shorter hairs; leaflets linear-oblanceolate, 8-20 x 1,5-5 mm .....subsp. haussknechtii