Genista anatolica
Genista anatolica
Kandaş dikeni
Spreading or erect, spiny shrub, 60-100 cm, young twigs densely villous. Leaves 5-10 x 1-2,5 mm, simple, narrowly elliptic, lower surface with spreading hairs, upper glabrous. Flowers in short, terminal racemes, the flowering branch terminated by a spine. Bracts 3-7 mm, foliaceous; pedicels 1-2 mm; bracteoles 2-3 mm, linear-elliptic. Calyx c. 6 mm, villous. Standard c. 8 mm, ovate to deltate, subglabrous or sericeous, c. ½ as long as the keel. Legume ovoid-acuminate, sericeous, 1-seeded. Fl. 5-6. Pine woods and uncultivated ground, s.I.-1350 m.
Bulgaria. E. Medit. element.