Genista aucheri

Genista aucheri

 Bayır borcağı

Erect, non-spiny shrub, 15-70 cm, with subopposite branching. Leaves 3-foliolate, subsessile, alternate or subopposite; leaflets 10-20 x 1,5-3 mm, sericeous, upper surface sometimes sparsely so. Flowers mostly subopposite in few- to many-flowered racemes. Lowermost bracts foliaceous, uppermost reduced in size; pedicels 1 mm or less; bracteoles minute. Calyx 3,5-5 mm, densely sericeous to villous. Standard 9-14 mm, broadly ovate, sericeous, subequal to or longer than the keel; wings 2/3 as long as the keel or more. Legume 7-10 mm, ovoid-acuminate, adpressed-hairy, 1-seeded. Fl. 6-7. Stony slopes, steppe, fallow fields, 500-2000 m.
Endemic; Ir.-Tur. element. Probably closely allied to G. sessilifolia, with which it has been confused.
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