Genista tinctoria
Genista tinctoria
Boyacı katırtırnağı
Procumbent to erect shrub, 10-200 cm, sometimes woody only at the base. Leaves 9-50 x 4-15 mm, simple, elliptic, lanceolate or oblanceolate; leaves, calyx and legume glabrous to densely sericeous-villous. Flowers borne singly in the axil of each bract, in simple or compound racemes. Bracts foliaceous; pedicels 1-2 mm; bracteoles c. 1 mm. Calyx 3-7 mm. Corolla glabrous; standard 8-15 mm, broadly ovate. Legume narrowly oblong, several-seeded. Fl. 4-7. Rocky slopes, scrub and open woodland, s.l.-2200 m.
Most of Europe eastwards to Caucasia, and N. Iran. Euro.-Sib. element. Extremely variable in habit, leaf-size and indumentum.