Hedysarum candidissimum


Hedysarum candidissimum


Hoş batalağı
Stems procumbent or ascending, 10-20 cm, branched above, with a dense adpressed sericeous indumentum. Leaves with 2-4 pairs of elliptic or broad ovate leaflets, c. 15 mm long, obtuse or acute; stipules connate, sericeous. Peduncles equal to or slightly longer than leaves. Inflorescence oblong, lax. Calyx c. 6 mm, teeth subequal, longer than tube. Corolla purplish-pink; standard ± densely pubescent, 15-19 mm; wings 13-16 mm; keel 13-15 mm. Ovary slightly pilose. Lomentum not known. Fl. 6-8. Calcareous steppe, fallow fields, 800-1500 m.
Endemic; Ir.-Tur. element. Characterised by the procumbent habit, the broad leaflets, the dense sericeous indumentum covering the entire plant, and the large corollas. 
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