Hedysarum hedysaroides


Hedysarum hedysaroides


Ala batalak
Stems erect or ascending, 12-30 cm, arising from a woody rootstock. Leaves with 6-10 pairs of oblong or elliptic leaflets, pilose; stipules 10-15 mm, dark brown. Peduncles longer than leaves. Inflorescence lax. Calyx 4-6 mm; upper teeth shorter than tube, lower longer than tube. Corolla reddish or pinkish-purple; standard c. 13 mm; wings c. 16 mm; keel c.18 mm. Ovary glabrous or pubescent. Lomentum with 3-5 elliptic, pubescent segments. Fl. 6-8. Rocky slopes, screes and ledges, 2300-3100 m.
Central Europe, Balkans, Caucasia. 
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