Hedysarum vanense

Hedysarum vanense

Van batalağı

Stems many, erect, 40-60 cm. Leaves with 4-5 pairs of oblong-elliptic leaflets, 25-35 x 10-13 mm, with an adpressed pilose indumentum on both surfaces; stipules brown, c. 5 mm. Peduncles longer than leaves. Inflorescence lax, few to many flowered, elongating in fruit. Calyx 4-6 mm with unequal teeth 2-4 mm long. Corolla purplish-red; standard 13 mm; wings 9-10 mm; keel 13,5-15,5 mm. Ovary pilose. Lomentum with 1-3 flattened broad elliptic segments, c. 15 x 8 mm, transversely wrinkled, shortly pilose. Fl. 7. Rocky slopes, 2020-2700 m.


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