Hedysarum varium


Hedysarum varium


Ssp syriacum: Şam batalağı; Ssp varium: Batalak
Stems erect or ascending, branched, 15-40 cm. Leaves with 4-9 pairs of oblong or oblong-elliptic leaflets, 5-20 x 2-8 mm, glabrous or subglabrous above, below with an adpressed pilose indumentum of varying density; stipules brown, scarious. Peduncles longer than leaves. Racemes up to 20-flowered, lax or dense, ovate or oblong, elongating in fruit. Calyx 4-9 mm, with teeth equal to, shorter or longer than tube. Corolla yellow or purplish-yellow; standard 14-23 mm, glabrous or slightly pilose; wings 11-18 mm; keel 11-19 mm. Ovary glabrous, sparsely or clearly pilose. Lomentum with 2-3 round or ovate segments, rugose, with bristly setae, pilose or subglabrous. PI. 6-7. Steppe, bare slopes, Quercus woodland, fallow fields, cultivated ground, 300-2100 m.
Balkans , Caucasia. Ir.-Tur. element. 
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