Hippocrepis emerus


Hippocrepis emerus


Ssp emeroides:Tel Gevrecik; Ssp emerus: Gevrecik
Shrub, 0,3-2,5 m. Leaves green, pinnate, with 2-4 pairs of cuneate leaflets. Peduncles 2-3 x as long as the leaves. Umbels 4-8-flowered; bracts c. 0,5 mm, fused into a ring. Corollas 16-22 mm, yellow, the claws more than twice as long as the sepals. Lomenta 5-11 x 0,2 cm, with 3-12 articulations, terete. Fl. 3-5. Amongst scrub, especially on basic soils, s.l.-1300 m.
Greece, Aegean, Cyprus, W. Syria, Crimea, W. Caucasus.