Lathyrus aphaca

Lathyrus aphaca

Sarı burçak
Slender trailing or scrambling annual, 5-50 cm, glabrous. Stems not winged. Median stipules broadly ovate, 5-30 mm, shortly hastate; rest of leaf reduced to a simple tendril. Peduncles 1-2-flowered, 1-4 x as long as the stipules. Flowers 7-13 mm. Calyx 3-9 mm; teeth subequal, 1 ½ -3 x as long as tube. Corolla bright to very pale yellow. Legume linear-oblong, straight or incurved, 18-35 x 4-6 mm, glabrous. Seeds smooth, 2-3,5 mm.
1. Flowers 10-13 mm, usually concolorous; calyx 6-8 mm; legume 25-35 x 5,5-6 mm; median stipules 10-30 mm; peduncles 1-4 x as long as stipules
    2. Peduncles always 1-flowered, 1-2 x as long as stipules
       3. Flowers ± bright yellow .....................................................................var. aphaca
       3. Flowers cream or sulphur .................................................................var. affinis
   2. At least some of the peduncles 2-flowered, 2-3 x as long as stipules
      4. Flowers bright yellow .............................................................var. biflorus
      4. Flowers pale sulphur ...............................................................var. floribundus
1. Flowers 8-10 mm,the standard violet-veined or concolorous; calyx 5-6 mm; legume 18-22 x 3,5-4,5 mm; median stipules 5-15 mm; peduncles 2-3 x as long as stipules.
       5. Flowers pale sulphur or cream, the standard violet-veined; calyx teeth 2-3 x tube ............................var. pseudoaphaca
       5. Flowers bright yellow, concolorous; calyx teeth 1 ½ -2 x tube ..................................................var. modestus
Also growing in Cyprus; E. Medit. element. 
  • 781
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  • 784
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  • 823
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var. affinis
  • 816
  • 4
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