Lathyrus belinensis

Lathyrus belinensis

 Faselis burçağı

Climbing or scrambling annual. Stems 50-200 cm, broadly 2-winged. Leaves with 1 pair of leaflets; ending in a many-branched tendril; leaflets 11-65 x 7-30 mm, ovate, elliptic or oblanceolate-elliptic with an obtuse. mucronate apex and undulate-crispate margins; petiole 10-33 mm, winged; stipules 5-15 x 1-3 mm, semi-hastate, upper lobe lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate. Peduncle 16-28 cm, striate, aristate or not, with 3-5 flowers; pedicels 5-10 mm; bracts minute, subulate, deciduous. Calyx 7-9 mm; teeth subequal, approximately equal to tube, ovate, acute. Standard 20-26 mm , orbicular with an emarginate apex, orange-yellow with conspicuous red veins; wings 14-18, 2/3 as long as standard, oblong, yellow; keel ± equalling wings, with rounded basal auricles. Ovary densely covered in short. tuberculate-based hairs and sessile glands, hairs less conspicuous on mature fruit; style 8-10 x 0.7-0.8 mm, pubescent. Legume 18-35 x 4-7 mm, oblong. Tapering gradually towards each end. ± curved with prominent reticulate veins. Seeds 2-5, c 4 mm, brown. verrucose. Fl. 4-6. Rocky limestone hillside and margins of cultivated land. 330-560 m.
Endemic. E. Medit. element.
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