Lathyrus clymenum

Lathyrus clymenum


Scrambling glabrous annual, 30-80 cm. Stem broadly winged. Lowest leaves entire, oblong-lanceolate, mostly mucronate. Median and upper leaves with a winged, decurrent rachis and simple or branched tendrils; leaflets 2-4-paired, linear-oblong or linear, 15-50 x 1,5-7 mm; stipules ovate or lanceolate, often semi-hastate and toothed. Peduncles 1-4-flowered, about as long as leaves. Calyx 5-7 mm; teeth unequal, slightly shorter than tube. Corolla 16-20 mm; standard red-purple; wings lilac, rarely pink or white. Legume linear-oblong c. 60 x 9-10 mm, dorsal suture scarcely winged. Seeds 5-6, smooth. Fl. 4-5. Phrygana, fields , nr. water, s.I.-100 m.
S. Europe, N. Africa. Medit. element. 
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