Lathyrus czeczottianus

Lathyrus czeczottianus

 Çalı mürdümüğü

Perennial, densely adpressed-pilose, subsericeous. Stems angled, branched, ascending or erect, 25-45 cm. Leaves shortly aristate; leaflets 1-paired, lanceolate, 15-47 x 3-12 mm, parallel-veined; stipules lanceolate-acuminate, somewhat narrower than the leaflets, unequally sagittate. Peduncle densely 3-7-flowered, longer than leaves. Calyx 10-14 mm; teeth subequal, lanceolate-subulate, 2,5-3 x longer than tube. Corolla lavender blue, 17-19 mm; keel whitish. Legume broadly linear, c. 35 x 5 mm, densely adpressed-pilose, the hairs hiding sessile glands. FI. 6-7. Open forests, rocky slopes, eroded banks, 1150-2200 m.
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