Lathyrus ochrus
Lathyrus ochrus
Scrambling, glabrous annual, 25-100 cm. Stem broadly winged. Lower leaves ovate or ovate-lanceolate, mucronate or tendrillar, exstipulate; upper leaves with branched tendrils and a very broadly winged decurrent rachis; leaflets 1-2paired, ovate, 20-45 x 10-22 mm; stipules semi-sagittate, free or adnate to petiole wing. Peduncles 1-flowered, much shorter than the leaves. Calyx 5-8 mm; teeth unequal, c. as long as tube. Corolla white or flavous, 14-16 mm; Legume linear-oblong, 40-50 x 9-12 mm, glabrous, with a prominently 2-winged dorsal suture. Seeds 5-7, smooth, pruinose. Fl. 5-7. Edge of woods, grassy places, roadsides, rarely cultivated, s.I.-50 m.
Mediterranean area. Medit. element.