Lathyrus tauricola

Lathyrus tauricola

Yer burçağı

Slender, subglabrous, ascending annual. Stems ridged but not winged, 13-25 cm. Leaves dimorphic, with 1 pair of leaflets; lower leaves mucronate, leaflets narrowly elliptic; upper leaves bearing slender simple tendrils, leaflets linear, 20-35 x 1-2 mm; stipules lanceolate, semi-sagittate, small. Flowers solitary, on filiform 10-20 mm peduncles. Calyx 3-4 mm; teeth equal, lanceolate, as long as tube. Corolla bluish or light violet, 7-10 mm. Legume linear, 28 x 4 mm, sessile; obscurely reticulate-veined, glabrous, up to 8-seeded. Fl. 5-6. Open Pinus forest, etc., 800-1300 m.
Endemic; E. Medit. element. An inconspicuous but very distinct species, probably distantly related to the Mediterranean L. angulatus L. In facies showing some resemblance to L. woronowii.
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