Lotus aegaeus

Lotus aegaeus


Glabrous to villous perennial, procumbent to erect, 10-50 cm tall. Leaf rachis elongate. Leaflets 1-1,5 x 0,5-0,7 cm, upper 3 leaflets obovate to rhomboid, slightly asymmetric and often subacuminate, lower pair considerably smaller and differently shaped. Umbels usually 4-6-flowered on peduncles 2-4 times as long as corresponding leaf. Bracts usually 3, often longer than calyx, their shape like leaflets on the same plant. Flowers 15-18 mm. Calyx subcampanulate; teeth usually about as long as tube. Corolla cream to sulphur, more than twice the length of calyx. Standard obovate, longer than wings and keel; keel arched, usually with fairly long beak. Legume 2-15 x 0·3 cm, straight, terete, sometimes ± torulose. 2n = 14. Fl. 5-7. Steppe, hillsides, fallow and cultivated fields, 750-1650 m.
Balkans , Syrian Desert, N. Iraq. Ir.-Tur. element? Very closely allied to L. gebelia, in facies closely resembling var. hirsutissimus, from which it differs in the colour of its flowers and long straight fruits. L. aegaeus extends much further W than L. gebelia. 
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