Lotus conimbricensis
Lotus conimbricensis
Su sepiği
Glabrous to sparsely pilose annual, 10-20 cm. Leaflets ciliate, upper ones up to 1·2 x 0,7 cm, lanceolate-ovate, apiculate, lower pair longer and broader. Peduncles 1-flowered, shorter than subtending leaves. Bracts at least as long as calyx. Flowers 8-10 mm. Calyx campanulate; teeth 1 ½ -2 x tube, long-ciliate. Corolla only slightly longer than calyx, white with pink-veined standard, rarely all petals yellow; standard about equal to wings and curved, purple-beaked keel. Legume 40-70 x 1-2 mm, terete, strongly arched upwards. Fl. 4-6. Hills, volcanic conglomerate, shady places, nr. s.l.
Mediterranean area. Medit. element.