Lotus cytisoides

Lotus cytisoides

 Sepik tırfılı

Green-glabrescent to silky-grey pubescent, slender perennial, 20-30 cm. Leaf rachis 2-4 mm; leaflets often ± fleshy, upper ones up to 2 cm, lanceolate or ovate to obovate-apiculate, sometimes truncate; lower ones conspicuously smaller. Umbels 2-6-flowered, on peduncles 2-4 x subtending leaves. Bracts usually shorter than calyx. Flowers 10-12 mm. Calyx slightly bilabiate; teeth about equal to tube, lateral teeth shorter than the others. Corolla yellow, twice as long as calyx; keel short-beaked, rarely dark-tipped, strongly arched, concealed between the wings. Legume about 30 x 2 mm, terete, straight. Fl. 4-6. Limestone rocks and sandy seashores and cliffs nr. the sea, s.I.-100 m.
Mediterranean area, less frequent in its westernmost and easternmost parts. Medit. element.
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