Lotus edulis

Lotus edulis

 Tatlı gazalboynuzu

Pubescent prostrate annual, stems 20-30 cm. Upper leaflets ± obovate, asymmetrical, often truncate, lower 5 x 7 mm, smaller and apiculate. Inflorescence 1-flowered, on peduncles 2-4 x subtending leaves. Bracts slightly shorter than calyx. Flowers up to 15 mm. Calyx subbilabiate, teeth much longer than tube. Corolla golden-yellow, at least x 1 ½ longer than calyx; standard red-veined, longer than wings and keel; keel slightly curved, with dark-tipped beak. Fruit about 35 x 7 mm, arched upwards, fleshy, sulcate on the ventral suture. Fl. 3-5. Waste places, stony ground, dunes, s.l.-50 m.
Mediterranean area. Medit. element.
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