Lotus strictus

Lotus strictus


Glabrescent to adpressed-pubescent perennial, procumbent to erect, 10-50 cm. Leaflets varying greatly in size, even on a single plant, oblanceolate to obovate, sometimes apiculate, those of the lower pair usually much smaller than the others, sometimes even stipular in shape, often caducous. Umbels 4- 12-flowered, on peduncles 2-5 x the subtending leaves. Bracts shorter than calyx. Flowers up to 2 cm. Calyx obliquely subbilabiate, teeth subulate, nearly equal, 1/3 to nearly as long as the tube. Corolla cream, about 2 x calyx; standard unequally panduriform, claw long, widest near middle and c. 3 x as long as the suborbicular limb; keel short-beaked, purple, shorter than wings. Legume thick, 2,5-5 cm x 4-5 mm, straight, scarcely torulose. 2n=14. Fl. 6-8. Saline, marshy plains drying up in summer, and nr. thermal springs, 500-1300 m.
Bulgaria, N. Greece, Soviet Armenia, W. Siberia & C. Asia. 
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