Lupinus anatolicus


Lupinus anatolicus


Mısır baklası
Annual to 40 cm. Stems and petioles densely pilose. Hairs white, spreading, c. 3 mm. Stipules linear 14 x 1 mm. Leaflets 7-9, oblanceolate, dark green, pilose on both sides. Inflorescence racemose with fairly long peduncles. Flowers 19 x 24 mm, subverticillately arranged, Upper lip of calyx distinctly 2-partite, lower lip entire. Standard blue with a large white spot at base. Wings blue. Keel white with acute brownish apex. Legume 50-65 x 18-22 mm, 3-5 seeded, densely pilose. Seeds 10-12x 6-10 x 4-5 mm, large, compressed, smooth, brown, with an indistinct darker crescent around the hilum. Fl. 3-5.
Endemic. E. Medit. element. 
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