Medicago rugosa
Medicago rugosa
Oyuk yonca
Annual, 15-30 cm, densely covered with simple and glandular hairs. Stipules with short unequal teeth. Leaflets 10-15 x 7-10 mm, obovate to oblanceolate, obtuse to slightly retuse, with small terminal tooth; upper third of leaflet usually serrate at the margin, rarely leaflets laciniate. Peduncle 2-3-flowered, shorter than petiole. Flowers 2,5-4 mm. Calyx teeth shortly triangular, shorter than tube. Corolla less than 2 x calyx. Young fruit protruding sideways, from calyx. Fruit discoid, 3-4 mm high, spineless, with glandular hairs and few simple hairs; coils 3 ½ -5, 5-10mm diam.; surface of coils with 18-25 slightly curved radial veins, much anastomosing distally, thickened near the marginal vein; no lateral vein.
Mediterranean area. Medit. element.