Onobrychis argyrea

Onobrychis argyrea

 Ssp argyrea: Gümüş korunga

Perennial with erect branched stems up to 40 cm. Leaves with 2-3 pairs of broad ovate or oblong leaflets; indumentum sericeous or pannose, denser on lower surface; stipules free, c. 5 mm. Peduncles clearly longer than leaves. Inflorescence many-flowered, lax. Calyx 7-10 mm, teeth c. 2 x length of tube with a dense, ± adpressed indumentum. Corolla yellow without or rarely with darker veins; standard 16-20 mm; wings 9-11 mm; keel 15-18 mm. Fruit suborbicular, c. 9 x 7 mm, densely covered with long spreading hairs and c. 4 mm long setae. Fl. 6.
This and the following four species are all very closely interrelated and distinguished mainly by the characters given in the specific key. Two subspecies can be recognised in O. argyrea.
1. Leaves white-pannose; leaves with 2-3 pairs of leaflets; keel glabrous ......subsp. isaurica
1. Leaves sericeous; leaves with 3-4 pairs of leaflets; keel ± pilose .................subsp. argyrea