Onobrychis gracilis

Onobrychis gracilis

 Zarif korunga

Perennial, woody at base, with ascending or suberect stems, 40-70 cm high. Leaves with 5-9 pairs of narrow, linear or linear-oblong leaflets, 12-18 x2-3 mm, adpressed pilose. Stipules scarious, white, connate, c. 5 mm. Peduncles clearly longer than the leaves. Inflorescence narrow, linear before anthesis, much elongating in fruit. Calyx ± glabrous except for pubescent margins, 4-5 mm long with teeth 1-2 ½ x length of tube. Corolla pink; standard 5-7 mm; wings 2-3 mm; keel 4-5 mm. Fruit 2,5-5 mm with an indumentum of short adpressed hairs and covered with short linear hard straight spines . Fl. 4-6. Fallow fields, waste ground, shaley banks, rocky slopes, in garigue. s.l. 1500 m.
Balkans, Crimea, S. Russia, W. Syria
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