Onobrychis kotschyana

Onobrychis kotschyana

 Halep korungası

Perennial, branched above, with several procumbent or ascending stems, 20-45 cm. Leaves long petiolate with 4-6 pairs of linear-oblong leaflets, 8-12 x 2-3 mm, sericeous below, glabrous or with a few adpressed hairs above; stipules connate, brown. Peduncles slightly longer than leaves. Racemes lax, manyflowered, much elongating in fruit. Calyx 7,5-13 mm with teeth up to 2 x length of tube; tube glabrous or slightly pilose. Corolla pale pink; standard glabrous, 7-11 mm; wings 3-4,5 mm; keel 9-14 mm. Ovary glabrous or pilose. Fruit c. 4 x 4 mm, teeth up to 1,5 mm, pubescent. Fl. 5. Steppe,fallow fields, limestone slopes, 600-1000 m.
W. Syria, Syrian Desert, N. Iraq. 
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