Onobrychis megataphros

Onobrychis megataphros

Bağ korungası

Perennial with erect stems, 30-70 cm. Leaves with 4-7 pairs of oblong or elliptic-oblong leaflets, 10-20 x 2-6 mm, on both surfaces adpressed-pilose or ± glabrous above; stipules membranous, free, pilose, c. 5 mm. Peduncles ± divaricately spreading, 1-2 or more x length of leaves. Inflorescence many-flowered, lax, slightly elongating in fruit. Calyx c. 7 mm, tube glabrous or pilose, with linear teeth, 2-3 x length of tube. Corolla pink or deep pink with darker striations; standard 10-11 mm; wings 4,5 mm; keel 10-11 mm. Fruit 6-8 mm, suborbicular with 2-3 mm long teeth on crest and shorter ones on disc, pilose. Fl. 5-6. Cornfields, vineyards, waste ground, 500-800 m.

Syrian Desert. Ir.-Tur. element.

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