Onobrychis montana

Onobrychis montana

 subsp. cadmea: Dağ korungası

Perennial with thick woody rootstock, and procumbent or ascending stems, 5-40 cm. Leaves with 5-8 pairs of ovate or oblong-elliptic leaflets, 4-10 x 2-5 mm, adpressed pilose below, glabrous or with a few adpressed hairs above. Stipules connate, membranous. Peduncles 3-4 or more x length of leaves. Inflorescence oblong-ovate, many-flowered, elongating in fruit. Calyx 5-8 mmn, pilose, with linear-subulate teeth 2-3 x length of tube. Corolla pink with deeper striations; standard 8,5-10 mm; wings 3,5-6 mm; keel 9,5-11,5 mm. Fruit 8-12 mm, semi-orbicular, adpressed pilose. Fl. 5-8. Stony slopes, meadows, 900-2800 m.
Balkans. The larger fruits distinguish the Turkish subspecies from the other subspecies of O. montana that occur in Central Europe and the Balkans. 
subsp. cadmea
  • 629
  • 8
  • 0
subsp. cadmea
  • 623
  • 5
  • 0
subsp. cadmea
  • 618
  • 4
  • 0
subsp. cadmea
  • 615
  • 7
  • 0