Onobrychis occulta

Onobrychis occulta

 Bodur korunga

Perennial with woody rootstock and procumbent-ascending stems, 4-10 cm. Leaves mostly basal, crowded, with 3-5 pairs of linear-oblong leaflets, 8-10 x c. 2-3 mm, with a dense sericeous indumentum on both surfaces; stipules white, connate, pilose. Peduncles clearly shorter than the leaves. Inflorescence few-flowered, compact, slightly elongating in fruit. Calyx 7,5 mm, densely pilose with teeth c. 2-3 x length of tube. Corolla colour unknown; standard 6·5 mm; wings 3 mm; keel 6,5 mm. Fruit c. 4 mm long with triangular-linear teeth on crest and shorter ones on disc. Fl. 6. Limestone hills, 1520 m. 
Endemic; Ir.-Tur. element.