Ononis hirta

Ononis hirta


Annual, glandular-pubescent, 5-30 cm, mainly branched from the base, with ascending to prostrate stems. Basal and upper leaves unifoliolate, the others trifoliolate; leaflets acutely denticulate, broadly obovate to orbicular, 5-20 x 3-15 mm. Flowers shortly pedicellate, forming ± loose oblong to linear racemes. Calyx campanulate, 7-12 mm; lobes lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, 3-5-nerved, 2-3 times longer than tube. Corolla pink, 9-13 mm, standard glabrous or glandular-hairy. Legume ovate, glandular-pubescent, 5-6 x 3-4mm. Seeds smooth, orbicular, 2 mm. Fl. 4-5. Limestone slopes, dry open places, s.I.-300 m.

Spain, N. Africa, W. Syria, Iraq. Medit. element.

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