Trifolium alexandrinum

Trifolium alexandrinum


Erect or ascending annual, 30-60 cm. Stipules oblong, the free portions lanceolate-subulate, plumose-ciliate. Leaflets 1,5-3,5 cm, broadly elliptic to oblong-Ianceolate, mucronate, rarely retuse. Inflorescence conical to ovoid, in fruit 1-1,5 cm wide, pedunculate, often with a few bracts forming a minute involucre. Calyx tube obconical, usually sericeous, 10-nerved; throat open, sparsely hairy; teeth triangular, usually three-nerved, acute, erect or connivent, in fruit remaining membranous. Calyces not separating from the rachis on maturity. Corolla cream, 8-13 mm, 1 ½ -2 x as long as the calyx. Fl. 4-5. Alt. 150-250 m.
Cultivated in S.E. Europe, the Near East and N. Africa, and sometimes naturalised. 
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