Trifolium alpestre

Trifolium alpestre

Sert yonca

Erect or ascending perennial, 20-50 cm, with a creeping rhizome. Stipules lanceolate-subulate, free portion subulate. Leaflets lanceolate to elliptic, 2-5 cm. Inflorescence ovate-oblong, sessile, rarely shortly pedunculate. Calyx tube 20-nerved, densely hirsute, in fruit throat open with a ciliate ring; teeth unequal, setose, blunt. Corolla purple, rarely pink or white, 10-13 mm, much longer than the calyx. Fl. 6-8. Pastures, forest clearings in the mountains, c. 200-2100 m.
C. Europe, Balkans, S. Russia, Caucasia. Euro.-Sib. element.
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