Trifolium bocconei

Trifolium bocconei

İkiz üçgül

Erect or ascending annual, 10-25 cm. Stipules oblong-lanceolate, free portion subulate. Leaflets of lower leaves less than 1 cm, obovate, deeply notched, those of the upper leaves narrowly oblong, denticulate above. Inflorescence ovoid to cylindrical, c. 1 cm wide, sessile. Calyx  obconical, 10-nerved; in fruit throat open, densely adpressed white-hairy; teeth subulate, unequal. Corolla pink to reddish, rarely yellowish, to 6 mm, about as long as the calyx. Fl. 5-10. Fields, roadsides, etc., nr. s.l.
W. & S. Europe, N.W. Africa, Syria. Medit. element.
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