Trifolium cherleri
Trifolium cherleri
Tokalı dücük
Ascending to decumbent annual, 5-25 cm. Stipules ovate-oblong; free portion short, triangular-Ianceolate. Leaflets 0,6-1,2 cm, obovate-cuneate, retuse to obcordate. Inflorescence ovoid-globose, 0,6-1,2 cm wide, sessile, with three orbicular often coloured stipules forming an involucre. Calyx campanulate, 20-nerved, densely hirsute; teeth setaceous, usually blunt; tube open; densely villous. Corolla white to cream, rarely reddish, 8-12 mm, shorter or longer than calyx. Fruiting calyces joined to the rachis and not separating at maturity. Fl. 3-5. Rocky slopes, fixed dunes, grassy places, etc., s.l.-750 m.
S. Europe, N. Africa, W. Syria, Syrian Desert, N. Iraq, Iran. Medit. element.