Trifolium clypeatum
Trifolium clypeatum
Dişlek üçgül
Erect or ascending annual, 10-30 cm. Stipules semi-ovate, free portion triangular- ovate. Leaflets 1-3 cm, obovate to obovate-cuneate. Inflorescence obovoid, 1-2,5 cm wide, longly pedunculate. Calyx tubular, prominently 10-nerved, villous in the upper part; teeth unequal, tuberculate, bristly, spine-tipped, the lowest ovate-oblong, the remainder triangular to triangular-lanceolate. In fruit calyx tube closed by a callose cover; teeth stellately spreading, the lowest twice as long as the remainder. Corolla pink to whitish, 20-30 mm, c. 2 x as long as the calyx. Fl. 1-5. Fields, roadsides, etc., s.l.-300 m.
Greece, Aegean, W. Syria. E. Medit. element. A very distinctive species on account of its large, wide-toothed calyx.