Trifolium dasyurum
Trifolium dasyurum
Duvaklı üçgül
Ascending annual, 10-30 cm. Stipules inflated, with a long subulate to cuspidate tips. Leaflets 1,5-3,0 cm, elliptic to oblong, acute. Inflorescence ovoid to cylindrical, lax. Calyx tube cylindrical to obconical, 10-nerved; throat open, hairy, adpressed-hairy; the teeth long-subulate, equal. Corolla purple at the tips, whitish to pink below, c. 15 mm, shorter than or as long as the calyx. Fl. 3-5. Stony ground, fallow fields on calcareous. soils, s.l.-l300 m.
Greece, Aegean, Cyprus, W. Syria, Syrian Desert, Iran, N. Egypt, Cyrenaica. E. Medit. element.