Trifolium echinatum
Trifolium echinatum
Kirpi üçgülü
Erect to procumbent annual, 20-50 cm. Stipules with free portion triangular-subulate, villous. Leaflets 0,8-2,5 cm, linear to broadly elliptic, obtuse to acute. Inflorescence broadly ovoid, 1-2 cm wide, pedunculate. Calyx tube cylindrical to obconical, 10-nerved, hirsute, becoming smooth and leathery in fruit, throat closed by a 2-lipped callosity; teeth unequal, triangular, purpletipped, becoming thickened at the base. Corolla cream with a purple-tipped keel, c. 10 mm, c. 1,5 x as long as the calyx. Fruiting calyces joined to each other and to the rachis, persistent. FI. 3-6. Forest clearings, amongst scrub, waste places, etc., s.l.-1150 m.
Italy, Balkans, Cyprus, Lebanon, Palestine, Syrian Desert. E. Medit. element.
The Turkish records refer to var. echinatum.