Trifolium leucanthum

Trifolium leucanthum

Yapışık üçgül

Erect or ascending annual, 10-20 cm. Stipules with free portion triangular-caudate. Leaflets of the lower leaves obovate, notched at the apex, those of the upper leaves elliptic-oblong, obtuse or acute. Inflorescence globular, c. 1,5 cm wide, long-pedunculate. Calyx tube obconical in flower, 10-nerved, densely spreading-hairy, becoming urceolate in fruit, closed by a 2-lipped callosity; teeth slightly unequal, broadly lanceolate-subulate, stellately spreading in fruit. Corolla cream-coloured to pink or violet with a purple-tipped keel, 8-10 mm, shorter than to slightly longer than the calyx. Fl. 4-6. Grassy places, mountain slopes, forest clearings, 200-1600 m.
C. & S. Europe, Crimea, Algeria, Cyprus, W. Syria, Syrian Desert, Iran.
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