Trifolium nigrescens

 Trifolium nigrescens

Ssp nigrescens : Yanık üçgül

Ssp meneghinianum : Gelemen üçgülü; Ssp petrisavii: Yel üçgülü
Prostrate to erect annual, 10-60 cm. Leaflets 0,5-2,0 cm, obovate to obtriangular, the apex rounded or emarginate; stipules membranous, triangular-lanceolate, cuspidate. Inflorescence umbellate, globose, 1-2 cm diam., many-flowered, peduncles longer than the subtending leaves. Bracts minute or absent. Flowers pink to white, usually becoming brownish-black, pedicels as long as calyx tube at least. Calyx 3-5 mm, white, 5-10-nerved; teeth triangular to lanceolate, unequal. Corolla 5-8 mm . Legume 1-4-seeded.
1. Legume shallowly constricted, 3-4-seeded; corolla white to pale pink even in fruit subsp. nigrescens
1. Legume strongly constricted, 1-2-seeded; corolla brownish-black in fruit subsp. petrisavii