Trifolium ornithopodioides

Trifolium ornithopodioides

Karga yoncası

Procumbent annual, glabrous. Stems 4-6 cm. Leaves long-petioled; stipules 7-10 mm, lanceolate, acuminate. Leaflets 4-9 mm, obovate to obcordate, base cuneate, apex truncate and mucronate, margins serrate. Inflorescence 1-3-flowered, subsessile or with peduncles to 2 mm, in axils of stipules, bracteate. Calyx c. 7 mm, 10-nerved, throat open, teeth narrowly triangular, unequal, longer than tube. Corolla 6-8 mm, white to pale pink. Legume 6-8 mm, oblong, slightly curved, exserted through mouth of calyx, sometimes minutely hairy, dehiscent. Seeds 5-9. Fl. 4-5. Short grassland, damp in winter. on alluvial clays near the coast; s.l.-10 m.
W. and C. Europe, south to Italy. NW. Africa. 
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