Trifolium pachycalyx

Trifolium pachycalyx

Istanbul üçgülü

Procumbent to ascending annual. 5-15 cm. Leaves long-petioled, cauline; stipules broadly ovate, free part lanceolate. Inflorescence 0,7-1,0 cm diam., globose, 10-15-flowered, sessile in the leafaxils. Calyx c. 12-nerved, becoming twolipped in fruit and indurate-gibbose, nerveless; teeth triangular-lanceolate, the upper two narrower than the lower three. Corolla white, c. 2mm. Fl. 4-5. Meadows and grassy places, nr. s.l.
Endemic. Superficially resembling T. cernuum Brot. from S.W. Europe, but distinguished by its fruiting calyx and non-pedunculate inflorescences.
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