Trifolium uniflorum
Trifolium uniflorum
Ssp kerimii: Bey dirfili; Ssp uniflorum: Deli dirfil
Rhizomatous, procumbent perennial, 5-10 cm. Leaves all radical, long-petiolate; leaflets 0,6-1,2 cm, obovate-cuneate, with obtuse, usually apiculate apices; stipules adnate to the petioles at the base, the free part broadly triangular-cuspidate. Inflorescence 2-3-flowered, very shortly pedunculate. Flowers whitish-yellow to pink; the pedicels shorter than the calyx, becoming thickened and recurved in fruit. Calyx c. 10 mm, tubular, hairy above, the teeth ± equal, lanceolate, c.3 mm. Corolla 1,5-3,0 cm, with a constricted tube, the standard longer than the wings and keel. Legume 6-8 mm, linear, subcompressed, adpressed-hairy, beaked, 5-10-seeded. Fl. 3-5. Fields, roadsides, macchie, etc. s.l.-1000 m.
S. Europe, Cyrenaica. Medit. element.