Trigonella capitata

Trigonella capitata

Top çemenotu

Sparingly pubescent, mainly branched from base; stems ascending-erect, 15-60 cm. Stipules lanceolate-subulate, entire, dentate or incised. Leaflets linear-oblong, oblong or obovate, denticulate, 10-35 x 3-12 mm. Peduncle 2-7 cm. Flowers numerous, in dense subumbellate globose heads. Calyx campanulate, 2,5-3,5 mm; teeth linear-acuminate, about as long as tube. Corolla blue, 4-5 mm. Legumes 1-seeded, obovate, somewhat compressed, nerved lengthwise, seedbearing part 3 x 2 mm, abruptly constricted into a beak 1-2 mm, forming dense globose to ovate heads. Seeds ovate, finely tubercled, 2 x 1.5 mm. Fl. 5-6. Wet and saline places, cultivated land, 800-1100 m.

Transcaucasia, Iran. Ir.-Tur. element.

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