Trigonella foenum-graecum

Trigonella foenum-graecum


Sparingly pubescent to glabrescent, branched from base; stems erect, 10-50 cm. Stipules triangular-Ianceolate, acuminate, entire. Leaflets obovate to oblanceolate, dentate or sometimes incised, 10-30 x 5-15 mm. Peduncle 0. Flowers 1-2 in leaf axils. Calyx .tubular, 7-8 mm; teeth lanceolate-linear, as long as tube. Corolla yellowish-white, sometimes tinged with lilac, 12-18 mm. Legumes terete or subcompressed, linear, straight or somewhat curved, lengthwise reticulate-nerved, seed-bearing part 5-11 x 0,3-0,5 cm, often glabrous, gradually tapering into a beak 1-3,5 cm. Seeds 10-20, oblong, 3-4 x 2-3 rom, finely tubercled. Fl. 3-7. Stony slopes, fallow fields, cultivated ground, s.I.-1100 m.
Mediterranean area, Caucasia, Syrian Desert, N. Iraq, N., W. & C. Iran, Arabia, Aethiopia. Probably mostly as an escape from cultivation. Of doubtful origin, widely cultivated.
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