Trigonella macrorrhyncha

Trigonella macrorrhyncha


Sparingly villous to glabrescent, branched above or from base; stems erect or prostrate-ascendent, 10-20 cm. Stipules lanceolate, entire. Leaflets obovate-cuneate, denticulate, 8-17 x 5-12 mm. Peduncle 0. Flowers 1-2 in leaf-axils. Calyx tubular, 9-14 mm; teeth linear-lanceolate, half as long as tube or shorter. Corolla whitish, 15-25 mm. Legumes terete or slightly compressed, linear, somewhat curved, nerved lengthwise, with prominent midrib, sutures not thickened, seedbearing part 4-6 cm, adpressed-pilose, gradually tapering into a beak 3-7 cm. Seeds 10-20, quadrangular, 4 x4 mm, finely tubercled. Fl. 3-6. Limestone slopes, steppe, 400-1500 m.



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