Vicia caesarea

 Vicia caesarea


Densely villous, ascending annual , 10-50 cm. Leaflets 3-6-paired, 4-15 x 1-4 mm, oblong-linear to elliptic-lanceolate, acutish; stipules lanceolate-ovate; tendrils simple. Peduncle somewhat shorter or longer than leaf, 2-5-flowered. Pedicels recurved. Flowers 9-12 mm, bicoloured. Calyx c. 6 mm, scarcely gibbous, villous, with an obscurely oblique mouth; teeth at least as long as tube, filiform-subulate, the upper slightly longer than the lower. Limb of standard lavender-blue, longer than the claw, wings and keel whitish. Legume 15-23 x 4-5 mm, oblong-linear, strongly torulose, glabrous. Seeds 2-4, hilum very short. Fl. 5-6. Eroded slopes, S. screes, fields, 800-1600 m.
Endemic; Ir.-Tur. element. 
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